Didactic Background, Why new media in FLE?

On 23 May, our class discussed three learning concepts: constructivism, behaviourism, and cognitivism.
The class was broken up into three groups and asked to make a poster for one of the  concepts emphasizing the main principles of the concept and how these principles could be used (with media!) in the FL classroom.
My group made a poster for constructivism. We found that constructivism works well in the foreign language classroom to help the pupils put their knowledge into active use. As it says on the poster, the teacher would be used as the facilitator, merely guiding students to help themselves and their classmates to achieve optimal fluency, for example using interactive websites (e.g. Skype).
After this task, we discussed the benefits of each concept and what element of FLE it could best be used.
The behaviourism group found this concept was best for memorization of vocabulary and verb conjugation and found some web-sites geared for this. (eg. www.learnmate.ch, www.planet-tmx.com, and www.linguistics.online.uni-marburg.de)
The cognitivism group found that it was great for pronunciation awareness and grammar (e-)worksheets.