The Pecha Kucha Experience

obviously not from our classes presentations
I guess it could have been worse. For starters, I should explain what Pecha Kucha is. It is a type of Power Point Presentation which includes 20 frames, each frame 20 seconds. Not bad. Our professor was very nice to us and only made us do 15 frames (still 20 seconds per frame). 
I am not an avid Power Pointer and, although I know how to do it and have made them before, I still am not very experienced in what is possible. I went crazy with the frame change animation in a Star Wars frenzy. In the future, I will try to control myself.
The production of the presentation was normal and I think I could get used to it. The best part about this type of PPP is that it has a limited amount of presenting time, which would help out class time management immensely. No droning on and and pointing things out for minutes on end. 20 seconds. Next. Fabulous. Since web-paging is also new to me, I couldn't get the presentation on here as a slide, which I will figure out eventually, and will post it as soon as I do. It is an overview of this website and a bit about design in presentations in general.
My presentation was filled with too much insecurity as I was confounded by my classmates' awesomeness and creativity. I realized that my site is quite somber. One shouldn't point out one's short comings during the presentation, but I was so impressed by the others that I felt boring (which I actually said) and I am usually not a very boring person. I'll do better next time.