Protection: Minors, data, copyright

During a discussion on this subject, our class was divided into three groups. We were asked to come up with 10 points on what is important for our students to remember when using the internet. Some of the main points are repeated dealing with anonymity and copyrights. However, some of the groups had original ideas. Take a look and compare what we came up with. Please comment if there are any we have forgotten.

Data Protection
1)Use an Alias; be careful with sensitive personal data such as real names, age, personal address, phone number, account data, etc. 
2) Use different passwords for every website where you frequently log in or have an account for. In order to organize your passwords you can use a password manager. 
3) Don't open emails (attachments) from people or sources you don't know.
4) When available, use https (as opposed to http) sites to further ensure security of personal information.
5) If it is not necessary, don't link your name to pictures.
6) Don't share personal beliefs, political opinions, the state of your health, your political opinion, sexuality, etc. if unnecessary.
7) Check the general terms and conditions to be aware of how your data is used.
8) It's illegal to publish 'false' data about someone else (for example pictures that could offend other people).
9) Cookies should only be permitted for some websites.
10) Use tools (like firewalls, anti virus software, etc.) to protect your privacy and the data on your hard drive.

Protection of Young People (Minors)
1. Ask the teacher for a list of good websites which can be used for the topic
2. Child Security in Chat Rooms
  • Stay anonymous, they should use a nickname while online, and never reveal their real name. 
  • Never tell anyone where they live, not even if they have been chatting to the person for years. 
  • Never tell anyone what school they go to. 
  • Never give out phone numbers. 
  • Never agree to meet someone without a parent present,  and ensure the person they are going to meet knows a parent will be  accompanying them. 
  • Tell an adult if anything strange happens or anything is said to them that makes them feel uncomfortable. 
3. Do not take anything insulting too personal and don't reply to rude or nasty comments! People on the internet act differently if they are anonymous.
4. Do not download data from a website you don't know.
5. Always carefully read through terms and condition before installing any program to avoid viruses
6. An ‘online friend’ that you don’t know in real life is a STRANGER.
7. If you have found inappropriate content about yourself on a website or  are informed about this situation please contact the Police  or tell your parents to do so
8. Be aware that information on the internet is not always reliable.
9.Remember that the internet is PERMANENT….be mindful of what you post and how you portray yourself. Pics etc can remain FOREVER.Conclusion: Stick to the Positive!!! The great thing about the Internet is that there  are some fab sites out there - many of which have been created by young  people! If you find a really cool site which helps you with your  homework or hobby tell a friend. Nasty stuff like hate sites, sectarian  or pornography are right out! Get a life! - Leave those sicko sites  where they belong - in the trash can! Be particularly careful about  sites which ask you for lots of personal details! You never know where  that information goes!

Copyright is fun! :-)
1. Always indicate your sources correctly mentioning the author, the title of the medium, the date of publication, the edition, etc., when using the internet also name the URL and the date of access.
2. Note that not only texts but also pictures, videos, pieces of music, architecture, computer software etc., are protected by copyright.
3. Never use private media without having asked the authorized person for permission.
4. You may use media that is under a public license. Still, obey rule number one!
5. Be aware that copyright starts with the creation of a work and is valid for 70 years from the author's death.
6. If you are paraphrasing someone else's ideas you still have to indicate the exact source.
7.You have the copyright for your own work, too. This includes the rights to distribute, reproduce (copy) and display or perform the work.
8. Copyright is an important issue that can carry legal consequences and leads to failure in class.
9. Do not simply copy and paste someone else's work. If you want to quote a passage, then put it in quotation marks and add a footnote.
10.Always check again what you have written before handing it in, because you can easily forget to name some sources.